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      Software marcare cu laser - Lasit FlyCAD

      Simple, intuitive, flexible

      FlyCAD, created in a Windows environment employs the concept WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). The simplicity and flexibility of FlyCAD allows the system to incorporate all the information necessary for laser engraving and marking (power, frequency, etc.) into one single file .dwg or .dxf. This can include any combination of True Type text, serial numbers, bar codes, datamatrix, logos, etc. The software also controls the management of the movement of up to 9 axes. As FlyCAD continually evolves all updates and upgrades are free to our customers for the life of the machine. Our software engineering team is also able to create fully customized software, graphics and interface. The software can load dynamic data, manage a customer data base, and control all automation.

      Technical information

      Fully customizable:

      Ability to interface practically with all communication protocols (TSP, TCP / IP, RS232, PROFIBUS, etc.)

      File Import:

      With FlyCAD it is possible to draw directly, or import texts and/or drawings of any kind of format (DXF, DWG, PLT, AI, PDF, EPS, BMP), and if necessary, to change them.


      Ability to carry out lines, polylines, arcs, circumferences and fillings.


      Full support for TTF fonts also in oriental language.


      Text with scalable fonts. Horizontal and vertical writing mode. Text aligned to the left, right and center, or justified. Marking text in rotation with the option to set the radius, angle of departure and final.

      Bar code:

      Code 128, EAN8 and EAN13, code 39, code 2 of 5 and others on request


      Fully compatible with the AIM specifications.

      Date automatically:

      Date generations based on a format completely configurable by the customer in any language. Integration with the axes: replication feature available in conjunction with XY tables so that you can mark a pallet of pieces automatically.

      Integration with the axes:

      Replication feature available in conjunction with XY tables so that you can mark a pallet of pieces automatically.


      Functionality available in conjunction with XY tables. The program will automatically “cut” a bigger drawing of the working plane in several parts. At the end of this operation performed in real time, the machine positions the XY tables so as to mark the first square and then it passes to the next square to cover the total area to be marked. In this way the marking area includes the entire table.


      Database with processing parameters of materials. able to store thousands of different parameter sets.


      Option to count the number of marked pieces and to receive a warning at the end of the process.


      Simple, intuitive, flexible

      FlyCAD, created in a Windows environment employs the concept WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). The simplicity and flexibility of FlyCAD allows the system to incorporate all the information necessary for laser engraving and marking (power, frequency, etc.) into one single file .dwg or .dxf. This can include any combination of True Type text, serial numbers, bar codes, datamatrix, logos, etc. The software also controls the management of the movement of up to 9 axes. As FlyCAD continually evolves all updates and upgrades are free to our customers for the life of the machine. Our software engineering team is also able to create fully customized software, graphics and interface. The software can load dynamic data, manage a customer data base, and control all automation.

      Technical information

      Fully customizable:

      Ability to interface practically with all communication protocols (TSP, TCP / IP, RS232, PROFIBUS, etc.)

      File Import:

      With FlyCAD it is possible to draw directly, or import texts and/or drawings of any kind of format (DXF, DWG, PLT, AI, PDF, EPS, BMP), and if necessary, to change them.


      Ability to carry out lines, polylines, arcs, circumferences and fillings.


      Full support for TTF fonts also in oriental language.


      Text with scalable fonts. Horizontal and vertical writing mode. Text aligned to the left, right and center, or justified. Marking text in rotation with the option to set the radius, angle of departure and final.

      Bar code:

      Code 128, EAN8 and EAN13, code 39, code 2 of 5 and others on request


      Fully compatible with the AIM specifications.

      Date automatically:

      Date generations based on a format completely configurable by the customer in any language. Integration with the axes: replication feature available in conjunction with XY tables so that you can mark a pallet of pieces automatically.

      Integration with the axes:

      Replication feature available in conjunction with XY tables so that you can mark a pallet of pieces automatically.


      Functionality available in conjunction with XY tables. The program will automatically “cut” a bigger drawing of the working plane in several parts. At the end of this operation performed in real time, the machine positions the XY tables so as to mark the first square and then it passes to the next square to cover the total area to be marked. In this way the marking area includes the entire table.


      Database with processing parameters of materials. able to store thousands of different parameter sets.


      Option to count the number of marked pieces and to receive a warning at the end of the process.

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      Software marcare cu laser - Lasit FlyCAD

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      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      De obicei, produsele electronice sunt realizate în urma unui proces automat, iar marcarea cu laser este o parte integrantă a acestuia. În multe cazuri, codurile de trasabilitate 2D trebuie aplicate...

      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      În industria militară, gravarea cu laser pe armele de foc este cerută de lege în scopuri de trasabilitate. Atât numărul de serie, cât și sigla trebuie să fie marcate. Laserele...

      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      În sectorul materialelor promoționale, principalele cerințe ale producătorilor de gadgeturi sunt: productivitate ridicată, versatilitate sistemului de marcare cu laser și marcarea decorațiunilor speciale. Tehnologia de tipărire tampon este în prezent...

      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Marcarea cu laser pe dispozitivele medicale este necesară pentru a asigura calitatea produsului, prevenirea contrafacerii și astfel creșterea siguranței pacientului. Ca urmare a legislației care face obligatoriu un cod UDI...

      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Până acum câțiva ani, marcarea cu laser a componentelor neterminate, care tocmai ieșiseră dintr-o matriță, nu putea fi executata din cauza degradării calității cauzate de tratamentele ulterioare. Astăzi, datorită laserelor...

      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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      Industria sculelor aschietoare a fost una dintre primele din istorie care a adoptat marcarea cu laser pentru coduri de identificare a trasabilității, sigle și date dimensionale și funcționale. Tocmai datorită...

      Software marcare cu laser – Lasit FlyCAD

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