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Centre de prelucrat verticale – Microcut Seria RH
Modelul RH este un centru de prelucrare CNC vertical ce dispune de o carcasa rigida pentru a oferi rapiditate, cu deplasari pe axa X de la 1000 mm la 2500 mm si pe axa cursa pe axa Y mai mari decat latimea mesei pentru a asigura capacitate larga de aschiere. Viteza mare de avans al celor 3 axe de 24 m/min (RH-20/RH30) si 20 m/min(RH-35) pentu a permite o frezare mai eficienta.
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Centre de prelucrat verticale – Microcut Seria TC
The vertical machining center, TC series is characterized by high-speed and superior precision machining. With the design of powerful drivers, moving column and rigid construction, the model is suitable for heavy cuttings with perfect surface roughness
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Centru vertical CNC cu coloana dubla – Microcut DMC-A
Stable Double Column Vertical Machining Center type DMC-A series offers X-axis travel 1700/2200/3200/4200mm, Y and Z-axis travel of 1400 and 850mm with rigid roller linear Guideways enables high-speed and outstanding precision.
(0 reviews) - Prelucrari mecanice
Centru vertical CNC cu coloana dubla – Microcut DMC-B
Stable Double Column Vertical Machining Center type DMC-B series offers X-axis travel 1700/2200/3200/4200mm, Y and Z-axis travel of 1700 and 850mm with rigid roller linear Guideways enables high-speed and outstanding precision. The construction of the one-piece box type base and the column gives solid support for maximum rigidity and stability.
(0 reviews) - Prelucrari mecanice
Centru vertical CNC cu coloana dubla – Microcut DMC-C
Stable Double Column Vertical Machining Center type DMC-C series offers X-axis travel 1700/2200/3200/4200mm, Y and Z-axis travel of 1900 and 850mm with rigid roller linear Guideways enables high-speed and outstanding precision. The construction of the one-piece box type base and the column gives solid support for maximum rigidity and stability.
(0 reviews) - Prelucrari mecanice
Centre de prelucrat vertical – Microcut TT-40
The TT-40 Double Table vertical machining center designed for high productivity with in-line high torque spindle motor, speeds 12000rpm or 15000rpm. Roller linear Guideways gives high-speed and high precision. Unload and load one table while the other table setup is at working zone. A new concept of new twin table system provides extremely high volume production.
(0 reviews) - Centre orizontale in 4 axe
Centru de prelucrat orizontal – Microcut HM-6300
Centrul de prelucrare orizontala CNC din seria HM dispune de o constructie de tip T, ceea ce garanteaza stabilitate si rigiditate optima pentru prelucrari grele si este potrivit pentru toate felurile de aplicatii in orice industrie.
(0 reviews) - Centre orizontale in 5 axe
Masina de alezat si frezat Table type Microcut HBM-3
Masina CNC de alezat si frezat, HBM-3 este capabila de prelucrare a matritelor atat de mare viteza cat si viteza redusa cu cuplu mare. Acest model dispune de un arbore ISO50 de 3000 rpm, schimbator automat de viteze in 2 treptesi cuplu mare.
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