Showing 73–81 of 329 results
- Electronic Microscopes (SEM)
Microscop SEM Nikon JCM 6000 Plus
The JEOL NeoScope JCM-6000Plus is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) capable of meeting the diverse needs of users. In addition to conventional SEMs that take up too much space, the JCM-6000Plus is a benchtop microscope measuring 330mm (W) x 490mm (D) x 430mm (H). Thanks to this small size it is considered one of the most compact SEMs available on the market.
(0 reviews) - Stereomicroscopes
Nikon Stereomicroscope SMZ445-460
SMZ445 si SMZ460 ofera o performanta optica exceptionala. Porro prisms ofera un design usor si compact. SMZ445 are o marire zoom cuprinsa intre 0.8x – 3.5x si SMZ460 0.7x – 3.0x, cu unghiul de inclinare de 45 ° respectiv 60 °. Cu noul stand cu LED-uri diascopic/episcopic, aceste microscoape permit inspectarea insectelor, animalilor mici si minerale.
(0 reviews) - Stereomicroscopes
Nikon Stereomicroscope SMZ 745 / SMZ745T
Cu un zoom de 7.5x si o distanta lunga de lucru de 115mm, stereomicroscoapele Nikon SMZ745 sunt potrivite pentru aplicatii industriale si biomedicale. Adoptarea noului sistem de reflectare tip prisma produce imagini mai luminoase, cu un contrast mai mare, iar designul anti-mucegai permite folosirea microscopului in medii in care temperatura si umiditatea sunt ridicate.
(0 reviews) - Stereomicroscopes
Nikon Stereomicroscope SMZ25 & SMZ18
SMZ25 si SMZ18 revolutioneaza stereomicroscopia prin gama unica de zoom, alaturi de modularitatea componentelor, confort si dotare optica high-end. Noul SMZ acopera o gama larga de functionalitate, de la imaginea stereoscopica normala pana la studieri complexe.
(0 reviews) - Stereomicroscopes
Nikon Stereomicroscope SMZ 1270 / SMZ 1270i
Stereomicroscopul Nikon SMZ1270 / SMZ1270i poate fi folosit intr-o varietate de domenii, inclusiv in medicina, biologie si industrie.
(0 reviews) - Stereomicroscopes
Nikon Stereomicroscope SMZ800N
Stereomicroscopul Nikon SMZ800N poate fi folosit intr-o varietate de domenii, inclusiv in medicina, biologie si industrie.
(0 reviews) - Inverted microscopes
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope Nikon Eclipse MA200
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope Nikon Eclipse MA200
The Eclipse MA200 is an inverted materials microscope with an innovative design that has been optimized for digital imaging and ergonomic efficiency. The MA200 uses integrated intelligence to automatically combine captured images with data on their observation settings for more comprehensive documentation. Additionally, its new and unique box design allows easy access to the sample on the stage and nosepiece, while making the footprint size one third of the conventional model.
(0 reviews) - Inverted microscopes
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope Nikon Eclipse MA100N
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope Nikon Eclipse MA100N
The Nikon Eclipse MA100N inverted metallographic microscope is an optical system that has been developed for brightfield and simple polarized observation. Due to its compact design, it is excellent for metallographic research and use in the production area of the quality control department.
Nikon has developed this simple yet durable model that allows for high contrast observation and image capture. In addition, the high-intensity LED source reduces the need for frequent lamp replacement.
As an inverted metallographic microscope designed for LED illumination, it has a body structure 11% smaller than conventional models, thus saving users approximately 11% of space.
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