Optical measuring machines Vicivision PRIMA series
Working in shopfloor enviroments for more than 15 years. All the experience of thousands of VICIVISION customers in a machine optimised for turning process control.
Making production more cost effective
The optical shop floor measuring machine that helps you to produce more. Speed up processes, track quality, reduce rejects and downtime. The 90% of the measurement tools you use every day in a single solution with a fast return on investment.
Designed for daily use
The real image of the part shown by the software, combined with the large working area, gives a clear view of the condition of the part to be measured. Retractable sensors during loading and unloading provide more space in the work area for even more comfortable access to the workpiece. The ergonomic piece clamping lever has a considerably wide grip that allows both left-handed and right-handed to lock/unlock the workpiece without obstructing the view.
Operators are more independent during inspection, and tool sets can be adjusted before parts go out of tolerance to reduce scrap.
The PRIMA series includes the functions of profile projectors, micrometers, roundness, eliminating human error in taking measurements and allowing operators to manage acquired data.
- Static measurements: diameters, lengths, angles, radii, distances and angles between points and lines, sphere diameters
- Geometric measurements: symmetry, parallelism, orthogonality
- Thread measurements: nominal diameters, internal diameters, mean diameters, angles, heights, roll dimensions
- Shape measurements: rotational diameters, circularity, coaxiality, cylindricity, angular measurements.

Software with advanced features
- Auto-programming: scans and performs all known geometric measurements automatically.
- Assisted programming: the software automatically suggests measurements
- Manual programming: the operator can choose and modify measurements manually
- Automatic program loading: the PRIMA series is able to automatically recognise the part to be measured and loads the previously created program.
List of standard measures included in the MTL application:
- Scanning measurements (for image acquisition of the piece being analyzed and for finding relevant references inside it): vertical, rotational, multi-position, piece start, piece end, piece rotation, timing (e.g. cams, keys), cycle repetition and positioning.
- Referral measurements: line-line intersection, line-plane, line-circumference intersection, plane, known diameter position, axis, distances, minimum/maximum point.
- 2D (Static) measurements: Diameter (Med/Min/Max); Distance (Vertical/Horizontal/Free/piece axis referred/Machine axis referred); Angle; Radius; Chamfer dimensions (angle, length, height).
- Comparison measurements and mathematical calculation: distance, off-set, difference, sine, cosine, tangent, etc.
- Geometric measurements: straightness, perpendicularities, parallelisms, symmetries.
- Thread measurements (average or single crest analysis): pitch; height; diameter (maximum, minimum, medium, roll); crest angle; LG/NG quote.
- Tolerance pick-list for the main kind of threads with possibility to add more values.
- Measurements of diameters in rotation: minimum, medium, maximum, interrupted diameter.
- Angular position measurements: cams timing displacement, tab/key slots, loops, shoulder millings, interrupted diameters.
- Form measurements: roundness; coaxiality; radial run-out; axial run-out; cylindricity (LSC, MIC, MCC, MZC).
- Measurements on hexagon (or polygons with a definite number of sides): key, asymmetry, phasing.
- ‘’Live measure” system for 2D measurements on the image acquired
- Off-line Programming system on real image or DXF file
- Profile comparison obtained with DXF file